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Points to note before Blood test on antibodies:

  • It is not required to fast prior testing, while it is crucial to maintain the usual dietary habits, consume a variety of food where possible. Testing IgG or IgA reflects the delayed reactions to foods that consumed in the past 3 months, while testing IgE reflects the immediate reactions to foods that consumed in the past 48 hours. In order to reduce the risk of fatality, it is strongly advised to avoid any foods that may cause potential adverse reactions or anaphylaxis prior testing.

  • Immunosuppressive drugs, such as oral and intravenous corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone, beclomethasone, fluticasone, triamcinolone) may affect the test results. It is suggested to abstain from these medications for 3 weeks before taking sample. For clients who need regular medications, please consult your doctor before taking the test.

  • Test client who has been suffering from bleeding disorders (e.g. coagulation factor deficient, Von Willebrand disease or hemophilia) is not suggested to take this test. It is at healthcare professional’s discretion based on the test client’s medical history.

Points to note before Urine test:

  • Any specimen taken during menstruation or been contaminated will be rejected.

  • Please make sure the urine strips are fully dried before submission. Any wet or moldy specimen will be rejected.

  • Please avoid the consumption of liquid food the day prior testing as it may affect the quality of specimen.

  • Certain foods (e.g. fruit and preserved food) and drugs (e.g. antidepressant medication) will interfere the test result, please refer to the specimen collection instruction for more details. For clients who need regular medications, please consult your doctor before taking the test.

  • The urine assessment profile is a snap shot of the test client’s metabolic status and it is not for diagnostic purposes.

Other points to note:

  • Test client will be required to re-submit specimen if the submitted specimen does not meet the required testing standard, or unexpected situations occur during transportation. There is no extra charge for resubmission.  HK BioTek Ltd. is not liable to any parties for any monetary damages or compensations involved in sampling, collection and testing process.

  • The test results and the supplementary information are for personal health reference only, which could not be used for medical diagnosis and/or treatment. HK BioTek Ltd. is not responsible and liable for any misuse or misinterpretation of the information provided.
    HK BioTek Ltd. commits in protecting the privacy of the test client. All the collected information is for internal use only. The test results may be used for research, training or educational purposes anonymously.

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Food Sensitivity

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Diet & Nutrition

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Low Allergen Recipe

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HK BioTek Event

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Medical Research

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