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HK BioTek

Food Elimination for People with Allergies and Candida Overgrowth

HK BioTek

Food Elimination cannot be used a cure or to improve physical fitness. But for some patients, before they can benefit from whole treatment, imposing an appropriate diet elimination might still be beneficial. Temporary food elimination is more common in two cases: allergies or sensitivity, and Gastrointestinal Candidiasis (candida overgrowth).

Allergic reactions are roughly divided into two types: acute and chronic. In the former case, the patient will know immediately, even without physician diagnosis; but for the latter, the patient may not aware the source of sensitivity.

In recent years, allergy testing based on the measurement of IgG has become more common. The reactions don’t include anaphylactic shocks and is more delayed (hours to days). It is more common in various chronic conditions like eczema, psoriasis, asthma, severe nasal sensitivity, autism, hyperactivity disorder, lack of concentration of attention, rheumatoid arthritis, and both constipation and diarrhea. The testing method usually consists of taking a few drops of blood samples and sending it to the laboratory for analysis. Unfortunately, the allergy test is not cheap. For people who do not want blood test, like patients with severe illnesses who hope to get faster symptoms remission, I would recommend them to avoid the most common three allergic food items in their diet:

Wheat gluten (wheat, barley, German rye, including most bread, noodles, biscuits)

Casein (milk, cheese, cheese, cream)

Sugar, pigments and other chemical additives (white sugar, sugar, Aspartame, Equal, NutraSweet, Spoonful, Diet Coke, Coke Zero)

The second category of people who should adopt temporary food elimination, is those with Candida Hyperplasia (candida overgrowth). Candida are healthy microorganisms normally present in our body, but hyperplasia will induce a lot of problems. The most commonly known symptoms are vaginitis for women and infant stomatitis (thrush).

However, most people would overlook the proliferation of the gastrointestinal tract of Candida. Candida likes eating sugar, and then release a bunch of substances that disrupt the body. Common symptoms include: bloating; acid reflux; thoughts of chaos; easy rhinitis, otitis media; intermittent blurred vision; hypoglycemia; constipation or diarrhea; mild anemia; eczema; psoriasis. Where does Candida come from? It usually comes from the abuse of antibiotics and steroids.

The central idea for anti-Candida diet is to avoid all things with simple carbohydrates, including sugar, sweet fruit, fruit juice and milk. Any dairy or wheat products should also be avoided. What should you eat then? Fresh vegetables and fruits, supplemented with whole grain millet, buckwheat, quinoa and brown rice. Natural seafood, meat, eggs are not in this limitation. Natural medicine, olive leaf, grape seed, coconut oil, lemon, clove, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, water kefir, and probiotics are good choices too.

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